Monday 28 November 2016

How to cure fibroids without surger

 How to cure fibroids without surgery with GreenLife Product

There are many tips on how to cure fibroids without surgery including making diet changes, becoming more physically active, etc. Another of the important ways on how to get rid of fibroids without surgery is through the use of various herbs. Nature has many solutions to the many health problems we deal with and there are many natural remedies that can help fight against fibroids that you should be aware of if you want to eliminate fibroids naturally.

Herbs for fibroids

Selecting what herbs to use for uterine fibroid natural treatments requires that you consider if they contain the following capabilities;

  1. The ability to work as an astringent to help control menstrual-related bleeding
  2. Diuretic properties or a suitable detoxing agent
  3. Balancing hormonal levels
  4. Anti-inflammatory properties
Source: Stumbleupon
It is important to remember when using herbs to not self-treat but to obtain guidance from a herbalist or other source on how much to use, how often to take the herbal remedy, for how long, etc. While herbs have little to no side effects when compared to conventional treatment methods, you still need to be careful especially if you suffer from allergies, are pregnant, nursing or are on other medication.

How to cure fibroids without surgery

There are various herbs that are beneficial for natural fibroid treatment including the following;
  • Dandelion

This plant helps to detox the liver, kidneys and blood due to its diuretic properties and pulls estrogen out of the system. It is widely used in teas, and the leaves added to food as a flavor enhancer and even taken in pill form. Both the root and leaves of the dandelion plant have medicinal properties.
  • Vitex/Chasteberry
This herb is one of the herbal remedies for uterine fibroids that relieve feminine problems, including uterine growths, PMS and other hormone-related issues. Taking approximately 25 drops of this as a tincture at least three times per day will help control the production of fibroid producing estrogen. The properties in Vitex work to slow the growth of the fibroids while helping to bring hormonal levels under control.
  • Ginger
Soak a towel in hot ginger water and place this hot compress on the belly at least twice per day to help to shrink uterine fibroids. It is effective at minimizing pain as well. Get the benefits of the anti-inflammatory properties of ginger by drinking ginger root tea a few times per day.

  • Bladderwrack
This seaweed contains iodine, which is useful for thyroid problems and therefore helpful in balancing hormones. Making a tea from this herb and drinking it at least three times per day is the recommended dosage for shrinking fibroids. Add one or two teaspoons of the seaweed to a cup of hot water to create the infusion. Some people also take bladderwrack in tablet form three times daily.
  • Goldenseal

Used to cleanse, strengthen and promote uterine health, goldenseal is a great boost for the immune system. Taking this herb over a long period is discouraged, and no more than 400 mg per 24-hour period.
  • False Unicorn Root
This multipurpose root not only helps to shrink fibroids, it is great in treating other feminine problems such as ovarian cysts and even infertility.
Source: Herbal Remedies for Uterine Fibroids

Do remember to exercise caution when using herbs for fibroid treatment as mentioned previously. It is possible to eliminate fibroid tumors without surgery and there are many ways on how to cure fibroids without surgery that you can use and herbs are a very important aspect of curing fibroids naturally.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks to Dr Ebhota for his great help,in my life,I was having fibroid After 3years of married without a notice,after 6 months I got miscarriage,the other year after another 4 month I got another miscarriage I went for test,doctor find out it was fibroid,and the fibroid was very big,it was 8cm,the doctor advice me not to do operation on it,that I may not survived it,one month later I go online to fine details about fibroid,I so many testimonies on different sickness on how they got cure,I sure a testimony on fibroid about Dr Ebhota,them I email him,for 3 days there was no respond,I go online again a met his testimony again,and his contact was there,I add him through his whatsapp,and he responded to me,I example every thing to him,he said he has the herbal medications,that he has help so many peoples with it,Dr ebhota send the fibroid herb and the fertility together,I take the herb for 2 weeks,after taking Dr ebhota I went for test again the fibroid reduces to 2cm,it was like a magic to me and my husband,after 2 months,I got pregnant,I was thinking may be after some months I we miscarriage again,there was nothing like that,that was how I give birth to baby bouncy boy,I promises Dr Ebhota to share his testimony for 2 years,any were you seen my testimonies,facebook,time line,blog,do not get made it me,is a promises I made to Dr Ebhota,I never believe in herbal medications before, for any one how needs his help,should contact him,on his,e-mail, or call or whatsapp him for immediate answer,+23486564868,God we continue to bless you Dr Ebhota.
