Wednesday 9 March 2016

Female Infertility Menstrual cramps


Women Formula II - Female Infertility & Menstrual Disorder.
Specification9g by 10 pills per pack.
Prescription - Oral use only, 1 pill each time, twice daily.
Precaution - Don't use if pregnant.
Women Formula II - is Chinese Herbal Medicine for Female Infertility.

Menstrual disorders - Menstrual disorders are problems that affect a woman’s normal menstrual cycle. They include painful cramps during bleeding, abnormally heavy bleeding, or not having any bleeding. or simply put menstrual disorder is an irregular condition in a woman's menstrual cycle.
Postpartum fatigue - Feeling tired – or just plain wiped out – is one of new moms' most common complaints. After all, your body is recuperating from the incredible physical challenge of pregnancy and childbirth (and, if you had a c-section, major abdominal surgery). At the same time, you're caring for a newborn who needs food, diaper changes, and hands-on attention around the clock, so what sleep you do get is likely to be less restorative because it's so fragmented.
Unfortunately, the fatigue can last for months, depending on a host of factors, including how well your baby sleeps (and how adept you are at adjusting your schedule to his), the amount of support you have at home, and possibly added demands of work outside the home.

Female Infertility - is the inability to get pregnant after a year of unprotected intercourse.
Menstrual cramps - Menstrual cramps are sharp pains in a woman's lower abdomen that occur when her menstrual period begins and may continue for 2-3 days, a few women may have them last longer. Symptoms can range in severity from a mild annoyance to severe pain that interferes with normal activities.
It Tonifies blood and QI, warms the uterus, nurtures yin, resolves stagnation of liver qi and blood. Use for menstrual disorders due to deficiency or cold, including amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, or Female infertility. Beneficial in post-partum fatigue. Effective for menstrual cramps and pre-menstrual syndrome due to blood deficiency, stagnation and congestion of liver qi. Also used for habitual dry cough or dry skin. It treats irregular menses due to blood deficiency, light menses, amenorrhea. It can also treat other blood deficiency symptoms like dizziness, dry skin & hair, fatigue, postural dizziness, pale complexion and tongue, poor memory.

Unit Cost ₦5,500.00

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